
Fuel our mission to share Jesus.

The world of the generous gets larger and larger

Proverbs 11:24

As we receive generously from God, he invites us to give generously to others. In doing so, His kingdom expands on earth and more people are impacted by His people (the Church).

Before you give

The Bible says that God loves a cheerful giver. Giving is not an obligation, it’s an invitation to be part of God’s Kingdom on earth through the power of the local Church.

Before you give, we encourage our community to pray and ask God what he is inviting you to do. Regular and responsible giving helps us allocate resources to ministries, to see them reach their full potential.

“We love because he first loved us”

- 1 John 4:19

Ways to give

  • Giving by EFT bank transfer.

  • Give by card or cash at our Sunday Gatherings via the generosity kiosk.

  • Give directly by card (link below).

Bank Transfer:

Lifestream Church Ltd

BSB: 064 437

Account No: 1004 9557

Thank you for your generosity!

Thank you for supporting the mission

Your giving enables us to run ministries that help others in need. Here’s what your giving supports:

local ministries

Local ministries

global ministries

Global ministries

pastoral staff

Pastoral staff

family support

Family support

weekly gatherings

Weekly gatherings


Operation costs