Discover Jesus

Is Jesus God? What is Christianity?

Jesus is good news!

Jesus did not come to harm or condemn humanity. He came to reveal and demonstrate God’s love! 

There are over 2.4 billion Christians around the world today who believe in Jesus because they have experienced His perfect love — and you can too.


Jesus is God

Most know Jesus as a historical figure, teacher, or philosopher. But the Bible asserts He is God in human form – God revealed to us. With 2.4 billion believers, it's a statement impossible to dismiss. Embracing this truth initiates a profound journey of faith. Start yours today with the belief that God desires a personal connection with you

Jesus forgives

Jesus forgives unconditionally, offering a life of freedom from guilt and shame for all. Through His sacrifice on the cross, He bore the weight of humanity's sins, extending grace and mercy to those who turn to Him.

His love knows no bounds, embracing the broken and restoring them to a life of hope and wholeness.

Jesus restores

Jesus restores by transforming lives with His boundless love and healing power. Through faith, He renews hearts, minds, and spirits, bringing hope to the hopeless and healing to the broken.

His presence brings reconciliation, redemption, and the promise of eternal life, offering restoration to all who embrace Him.

What does Jesus mean for my life today?

Everything changes when I invite God into my life. Knowing Jesus in a personal way means I’m no longer struggling to make sense out of life. I now have a purpose bigger than just myself… And it all starts by allowing God to change me, and make me the person He intended me to become.

Learn more about Jesus this Sunday